Aug 20Liked by Koenfucius

Thanks for the insightful article but I believe one point has been missed: Death is not the only binary, there's more damage that a disease can cause.

Further, with people with such limited access to healthcare (1/3 rd unvaccinated), do we expect the reasons of death to be so well recorded?

Additionally doesn't a public intellectual need to exhibit more responsibility while tweeting what can unknowingly be used by bad actors as a support of a propoganda?

I think we need to address these to move towards a stronger argument, and then will we close the loop on the true culture of debate...

Would love to hear your views on the same :)

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Glad you liked the article!

You are absolutely right: death should not be the only focus. This is why I also looked at the incidence of tetanus in my essay, observing that the total number of cases in the US per annum is around 25, i.e. exceedingly rare.

I am not sure I agree with your inference that the 1/3 people who report not having had a booster in the last 10 years have "limited access to healthcare". I have no reason to believe that there are a significant number of deaths caused by tetanus that are not recorded properly.

As for Caplan's tweet being capable of being used by bad actors... that is indeed a possibility. But I do not think that suppressing the a legitimate (and correct) analysis is a sensible approach. If anything, I think that the poorly-considered criticism (also by public intellectuals - one responder was UBI advocate Scott Santens) can be much more damaging by undermining the case for vaccination when appropriate.

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